T.C. Mİllî Eğİtİm BakanlIğI
ANKARA / YENİMAHALLE - Yenimahalle Bilim ve Sanat Merkezi

Yenimahalle Science and Art Center


      Yenimahalle Science and Art Center is a public institution that supports the educational needs of exceptional students who are gifted and talented  in primary, secondary and high schools.  Our center is affiliated with the General Directorate of Special Education and Counselling Services, the Ministry of National Education.


      Our center started providing education in the beginning of 2017. From the second grade to twelfth grade, we are providing education to more than 500 students in different programmes.


       Students are mainly catergorized as gifted students who have at least 130 score in IQ test and the   talented ones in art and music. Both gifted and talented students have two tests to be recognized. Students attend the programmes in our center after school on weekdays or on Saturdays.


       At Yenimahalle Science and Art Center, we strive to ensure academic talent which is recognized and nurtured. Gifted and talented students are connected to sitimulating academic programmes. Students attend orientation programme for about two weeks in their first year at Science and Art Center. Then they continue a programme called suportive education for two years. Recognizing indiviual talents is the third programme following supportive education. Students are involved in the third programme for three years. Students’ special talents are fostered in the programme of improving special talents. They manage a project in the project level. We aim to support and enrich their scientific or artistic skills, creativity, thinking skills, self-regulation skills in learning, scientific research skills, knowledge of history, philosophy, social sciences, literature, geography and foreign language skills.22-02-201822-02-2018


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Yayın: 22.02.2018 - Güncelleme: 22.02.2018 12:06 - Görüntülenme: 1328
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