T.C. Mİllî Eğİtİm BakanlIğI
ANKARA / YENİMAHALLE - Yenimahalle Bilim ve Sanat Merkezi

Educational Programmes



  • It takes about for two weeks in the first academic year.

  • The mission and vission of center is told to students and parents.

  • The students attend orientation programme in groups which are formed according to students’ social and emoional development, interests and talents.

  • The content of activities is arranged in order to create organizational culture and provide a basis for We- awareness.

  • The activities aim to collect data about students’ social and psychological deveopment.

  • All teachers attend the activities during orientation programme.

  • The groups of students which  every leader or counselling teacher will lead or guide, are determined.



  • It takes for two years.

  • Students are grouped according to their performance in the orientation programme.

  • Students are provided education associating with the subproramme branches  which are communication skills, group work techniques, learning methods, problem solving techniques, scientific research techniques, foreign language, ICT, social activities, art and music.

  • All students have foreign language and ICT classes.

  • Students start doing projects individually or in groups.

  • Observations and feedback are gathered and it is decided about each student’s talent field.


  • It takes for three years.

  • Programmes which will be able to find out students’ interests, recognize their talents, promote creaitivity, are formed considerengly their individual differences.

  • Learning environments are equipped with modern educational tools and materials promoting creative thinking.

  • Programmes are prepared as student-centered and modular considering interdisciplinary relations.

  • Students continue doing projects but more comprehensive ones.



  • These programmes are student-centered, modular and interdisciplinary.

  • Students are provided with dept- information on any subjects so that they will gain skills and behaivours.

  • Students will be aware of their interest and skills; improve their skills.

  • Students do projects in the fields they are interested in / talented at.


  • All activities in the center are based on producing and developing project.

  • The leader/ counselling teacher provides previous knowledge of producing a project. Students are presented project instructions and samples. Students will be able to gain knowledge and skill about producing a project.

  • Students decide about project topic with the guidance of their advisor.

  • Students work on their projects, develop solutions and learn themselves.

  • Students benefit from work places, local administrations, volunteer organisations and universities.

  • They can get support from experts if they need.

  • There is no limitation in project works. Any production, service, scientific work or artistic activities can be designed.

  • Projects are produced interdisciplinary and in order to make a synthesis of different skills.

  • Students plan, practise and evaluate a project with the guide of their advisor. It is aimed to raise individuals who learn through experiences, produce, solve problems, think creatively, communicate well with others, make scientific research and a discovery.

  • All steps of the project are evaluated by the project advisor. The advisor prepare reports about the process and evaluation.




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Yayın: 22.02.2018 - Güncelleme: 22.02.2018 12:35 - Görüntülenme: 924
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