T.C. Mİllî Eğİtİm BakanlIğI
ANKARA / YENİMAHALLE - Yenimahalle Bilim ve Sanat Merkezi



According to the National Association for Children (NAGC), a typical gifted child often exhibits some or all of the following traits:

•          Unbridled curiosity

•          Eagerness to know “how” and “why”

•          Exceptional memory

•          A vast wealth of general knowledge

•          Keen understanding of the way humans interact

•          Sensitivity to the emotions of others

•          Able to grasp abstract concepts

•          Pays attention to details when making observations

•          Good sense of humor; “gets” and tells jokes

•          Early ability to hone in on specific interests

•          Committed to projects

•          Expansive vocabulary, both in speaking and in writing

•          Ability and preference to hold conversation with adults

•          Able to learn quickly (within 1 to 2 repetitions)

•          Impatience with repetitive tasks

•          Frequent elaboration in artwork and writing

•          Perfectionist tendencies

•          Able to make unusual connections














The Process of Identifying Gifted and Talented Students




Children having pre-school education are nominated by their parents or teachers. Classroom teacher nominate students in primary schools.


Parents or teachers fill in observation forms distributed by the Ministry of National Education about children at the ages of 3-6, teachers fill in the forms for the children from the first grade to the fifth grade in primary schools, teachers council at school do that for the sixth to the eight grade students. These forms are filled by class counselor at high schools. Students are nominated in October in academic year.



Appraisal Phase


Identification commissions evaluate observation forms sent by parents or formal education institutions. The commission pronounce the names of students who will attend group scanning.


Group scanning


Students attend group scanning on dates decided by central executive board accoring to the measuring instruments and criterion decided by consultative committe.


Individual Identification


Objective and dependent measuring instruments are used to identify students who are gifted and talented. Psychological counselors from formal and non-formal educational organizations, universities and other related institutions take place in the individual identification process.




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Yayın: 22.02.2018 - Güncelleme: 22.02.2018 12:18 - Görüntülenme: 2559
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